Tuesday, July 11, 2006

On a lighter note...

the talk that we went was erm, interesting. haha :D it was really infromative for all us, students from other schools, a WHOLE bunch of china students and some from other countries. yup so the speaker was Mr...... ah forget it i cant remember, yup he was a japanese. thats why he had a weird accent that we cant figure out. oh wells, the whole LT(actually its only a slightly bigger classroom) was filled with people and 90% were PRCs and the whole LT was so full that people who came on time had to stand for the duration of the talk, and its on time! some however, were practically wasting their time over there. there were 2 prcs beside us and seemed to be a couple, and for the whole duration of the talk they did not even listen for the least bit, maybe they were just there to gain access to the internet, LOL lame. EXCUSE ME, where is your basic courtesy? didn't your mother teach you not to speak when others are speaking? rude people! their loud conversation even made tiffany and i to turn and stared at them , yet they were still oblivious to their surroundings.

oh nevermind about these rude people. i tried to keep awake for as long as i could as the speaker rattled on with his hypnotic voice. alas, my efforts went down the drain when i dozed off. the talk was simply as informative , but too informative and deep for us , these middle school students.

the best part was the Q&A sessions , the PrCs went up to ask questions, but their weird accent/slang was so serious that it completely morphed their linguistic queries into jokes that tickled the audience. there was one question that said " if neutrinos were not present, what will happen to the FAT of the unverse" actuallly it was supposed to be EFFECT, and many other lame pronunciations.

*turns on music* Howver the REFRESHMENTS there was very nice and was from the SMILING ORCHID. WEIRD ! how can an orchid smile? haha but nevermind most importantly it was the quality of the food , it was superb and simply irresistable. yum yum! HOWEVER it seemed that there was a stampede of barbarians stomping in a civilised city when we moved on to take the food, the PRCs were incorrugible. They were simply wrapping around the serving tables and were behaving like aluminium oxide coating the metal, impregnable barrier. So we as civilised sutdents shall not join in the game of snatching and piling of food, we waited for the crowd to disperse. however to our dismay when the crowd disappeared, no food were left on the trays! AGAIN RUDE PEOPLE! didn't your father teach you not to be selfish and leave some food for others? SHARE is the magic word. ahh nevermind since i am on a diet i shall forgive them and do a good deed . so overall i tried their mee siam and ate the tuna pastery. NOT BAD ! their food compared to those in RV was so much better. BUFFET COMITTEE OF RV PLEASE TAKE NOTE!

thats my day today!
next post: our social studies lesson! LOL

its 11 pm now and i haven started revising for my physics which is tomorrow, i am so dead.



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