Wednesday, April 13, 2005


Yes yes yes...omg....yeah...cant put my feeling now in words lor...haha...damn happie now...omg...we got it...the ultimate gold wif honour le lor.....haha...5 months of perspiration and dirt for the mere 5++ mins on stage wif honur yes so damn happie kaes...we put so much effort into it lor...and we all tried our best on stage...
We were super serious at kallang one spoke and we were super quiet...but we were like super furious just before it was our turn because serangoon sec sch...which was before our item used the same song as our last syf-gu3 xiang1 qing2 kaes....u knoe what even their title was xiang1 gu3 xiang1 qing2 oh my creativity=0 damn that school kaes and they like got gold!! shit lor...think even brought up our sprirt lor...ya den we put in our best for the dance nia...but some minor accidents happened yuan jie and jun hong dropped their chou2...but it wasnt their fault lor...cos these stuff we used them on that day itself and it was like 2 time as long as our old a bit of umcomfyness bahx...but nobody blamed them anyway..haha...but they went super happy when we got our award bahx...haha...
today was the girls turn...aiyah they comfirm, garentee plus chop that they will get a pro they are really pro lor...den after looking at some of the items today before their turn...this further supported my thesis was like cheerleading like that lor..chao gao xiao..haha...and we had a cheering competition at the lobby..and as usual we won....haha...the girls will get their results on friday and all the best to band, el and co bahx